At, your privacy is our priority. We are committed to protecting your privacy at all times, in all situations. By becoming a registered user you'll be able to receive a more personalized experience on our site. However, this step is completely optional, and you can order items from our website without registering, simply by providing us with your name, email and shipping address.
We will will not share data with trusted partners to help us perform statistical analysis. Your name, email and shipping address information is used solely to process orders. Without your consent, this information will never be sold, given, rented or traded to others for purposes other than order fulfillment.
When you visit our web site we automatically log your IP address, your browser type and your access times. We use this information to conduct site performance evaluations, to see where visitors are coming from and to keep track of click stream data (the screens our users visit on our site). This data helps us to determine what content our members find most appealing so that we can maximize your enjoyment of the site. Log files are not tied to personally identifiable information.
All employees take your personal information very seriously. All employees must learn and obey our security policies. Access to user and order information is limited to key management personnel and our member services department. Your password information (if provided by you) is stored in an encrypted fashion and is impossible to decypher. In case you forgot your password, a new one will be provided at your request.
This web site contains links to other Web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you may be leaving the site and entering another Web site. These sites may independently collect or request information about you and we encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policy may differ from ours.
Updated information will be available in homepage and in our Facebook page (please see Links section). You will receive direct communication from us 1) if you contact us for a particular reason, 2) to receive your orders, or 3) we need to contact you for administrative purposes. Administrative emails will not contain promotional materials.
Though we make every effort to preserve user privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on our Web site.
We may correct or supplement your address information with standardized postal representation in order to ensure that your orders are delivered. We do this since we want to make sure that our members receive the order and to lower costs associated with our shipping procedures.
Cookies are pieces of information that your browser stores on your computer's hard drive which identify you when you enter. We may use session cookies to provide a seamless experience on the site and to combine with our log files so that we can understand our site traffic and analyze our demographic information in aggregate form.
Click the following button to review the cookies you authorized or to update your cookie options:
Note: If you have set your browser to reject cookies, our site's features may not work properly and you may not be able to perform some operations.
We welcome your comments and questions about our privacy policy or anything else you might want to talk about. To contact us use the following address: